In case of a life threatening event, please dial 911! In the following order, please let us assist you with your emergency.
First, close the control valve. Second, open the main drain to relieve pressure off of the sprinkler system.
Please see butterfly/gateway valve FDC which illustrates these valves.
Disclaimer: Closing the control valve can/will impair the sprinkler system and cause it not to work in a fire situation. Notify the local fire department that the system is out of service and tag the system as being impaired (i.e., hang a sign identifying that the system is out of service). Call the company that services/maintains your fire sprinkler system to have the system repaired and put back in service in a timely manner. Make sure you have a “fire watch” until the system is back in service. It is good practice to make sure all tenants and occupants are aware the fire sprinkler system is out of service. All repairs to the fire sprinkler system are required to be performed by a licensed fire protection contractor.